Sunday 4 October 2015

Grand People's Study House

You want to read it? They've got it, apparently... The Grand People's Study House is one of the most notable and iconic buildings in North Korea. Located in Kim Il-Sung Square, the grand people's study house is notably visible during all military parades and major events in Pyongyang as a direct result. Built in traditional Korean style, the Grand People's Study House is supposedly a major library which contains hundreds of thousands of books including many written in the west. It also, as its name suggests is a place of learning, teaching and study, containing a labyrinth of lecture theatres and study rooms alike. It's main hall renders its appearance as somewhat like a palace.

Students hard at work in the computer room

When British tourists visited the study house in 2015 the staff there were eager to promote that they were "In touch" with the rest of the world. To show off their grand collection of "western books" they presented them with the "complete encyclopedia of chickens" and also what they claimed to be a copy of "Anne Frank's Diary" in Korean language. They then took them to a music room, where they said they would play some "English Music"... so they played Abba......

Here it is folks, the mantle of western scholarship available in North Korea- the complete encyclopedia of chickens