Thursday 29 October 2015

Juche Tower

Juche tower from the other side of the Taedong river

Juche tower, or "the tower of the juche tower", is North Korea's very own equivalent of the Washington monument in the United States, except, they made it taller. Constructed in 1982, the monument, as its name suggests, is dedicated to North Korea's official state ideology of "Juche", roughly translating to "self-reliance", created by Kim Il-Sung.

Tourists are able to visit the tower and are able to go up to the top of it via elevator. From the top a wide panorama of all Pyongyang is visible to the viewer. Behind the Juche tower area is a fancy bar which tour guides sometimes take the tourists too, which sells all kinds of North Korean beers.

The entrance hall of the tower- it contains plaques dedicated to North Korea from socialist movements all over the world, showing the apparent "praise" and "love" of their ideology.