Tuesday 5 January 2016

VNK News: North Korea's new nuclear test (and why does North Korea build bombs?)

6th January 2016

North Korea claim to have successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test after reports emerged of a 5.1 tremor on the richter scale near the nation's known nuclear facilities.

Like the prior tests in 2006 and 2013, this will be anticipated to draw condemnation from the international community and likewise the threat of increasing sanctions.

None of these methods however hold any feasible solutions for dealing with the problem. North Korea's nuclear program is a defensive, not an offensive calculation. It is designed as a bargaining chip and negotiating tactic for a state alienated from an international community largely hostile to it, as well as a reaction to a United States who have repeatedly removed regimes from power in the 21st century.

North Korea's goal is not World War III, it is political survival and recognition. We must be prepared to understand their security dilemma if progress is to be made on this issue. By resorting to the cold war "North Korea is evil" mentality, the situation is made worse and the regime is able to use hostility against it to justify avoiding reform.

By visiting north korea, we can grow in an understanding of why north korea behaves the way it does. As we gain this priceless understanding and experience, we can grasp how to work with them than contend with them and help them integrate into the international community.