Wednesday 27 July 2016

Editorial: Tourism Opens North Korea to The World

Let's not tolerate this idea that the North Korean regime is solely consolidated by tourists, therefore nobody should ever go; there is no logic in this thinking. The activities of the North Korean authorities continue irrespective as to whether people go or not, they have have no financial reliance upon it- Seen as the North Korean system and ideology thrives in isolation, so why enable them by not going?

There are, however, positive variables. Tourism opens North Korea up to the world. It encourages interaction, engagement and promotes outside influences and connections. It breaks down walls, it challenges the impressions of locals and weakens the regime's propaganda. It strengthens the service economy of North Korea, thus helping economic reform and strengthening local development- weakening the regime's hold over an economically dis-empowered society.

Tourism builds bridges. The more North Korea is accessed by foreigners and foreign money, the less things can remain as they are and the more they must confront change. Staying away won't make a difference, but visiting just might.